Tobias Brudermüller

Dr. sc. ETH Zurich | Researcher @ Bits to Energy Lab, ETH Zurich


Currently, I’m a researcher in the Bits to Energy Lab at ETH Zurich. In my current research, I develop machine learning techniques for energy applications to promote sustainability and for the digitalization of the power grid. 🔋🔌💡 One area of focus for my work is analyzing data from smart electricity meters and IoT sensor data to optimize residential heat pumps in operation. For my research, I currently collaborate with multiple partners: Swiss Federal Office of Energy, Bosch, EKZ, Enerlytica, and Hoval.

I hold a doctoral degree from ETH Zurich (Dr. sc. ETH Zurich), a master’s degree from RWTH Aachen University (M.Sc. Electrical Engineering, Information Technology & Computer Engineering) and two bachelor’s degrees from the Technical University of Darmstadt (B.Sc. Electrical Engineering & Information Technology // B. Sc. Industrial Engineering & Business Administration). Previously, I was a visiting researcher at Yale University, founded a startup in the area of augmented reality and have worked for and with multiple companies (e.g., GoogleAI, Mercedes Benz, SAP, Bosch, and Merck).

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selected publications

  1. hpcycling2.jpg
    Large-scale monitoring of residential heat pump cycling using smart meter data
    Tobias BrudermuellerMarkus KreftElgar Fleisch, and Thorsten Staake
    Applied Energy, 2023
  2. hpdisaggregation.jpg
    Disaggregation of Heat Pump Load Profiles From Low-Resolution Smart Meter Data
    Tobias BrudermuellerFabian Breer, and Thorsten Staake
    In Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation, 2023
  3. iclr2.jpg
    Smart meter data analytics: Practical use-cases and best practices of machine learning applications for energy data in the residential sector
    Tobias Brudermueller, and Markus Kreft
    In International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2023) Workshop on Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning, 2023
  4. hptype2.jpg
    Automatic Differentiation of Variable and Fixed Speed Heat Pumps With Smart Meter Data
    Tobias Brudermueller, Florian Wirth, Andreas Weigert, and Thorsten Staake
    In 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), 2022